Sunday, March 27, 2011

Urban Renewal and Decay

Define the following terms and include an example of each and explain how your example relates the word:
1. Aesthetics - The looks and features of a particular object.

The Guggenheim in New York has been designed in an aesthetically pleasing way to give the city character and beauty.
2. Safety - Any defensive location or structure in a city, eg a seawall, a fortress, city built on a hill to protect from floods 

This seawall is protecting the city from very strong storm waves. These waves are potentially devastating.
3.  Slums - a run-down area of a city characterized by substandard housing and squalor and lacking in tenure security. 

This slum shows a lack of infrastructure, housing, medical and emergency facilities, and a general lack of wealth. The result of this being that the people in the slums live in poor conditions, tightly packed, and with a higher crime rate as a result too, because there is no authority to help keep law in order.
4. Decay - Decay is the way a specific building or city lasts over time. Whether the building is still standing or whether it still looks appealing etc.

This building has weathered and been vandalised and therefore has decayed. No organisation gives funds to help in the maintenance of the buildings so therefore the building stays in its state of decay.
5. Reconstruction and Renewal - Urban renewal is a program of land redevelopment in areas of moderate to high density urban land use.

6. Transport - Transportation planning is a field involved with the evaluation, assessment, design and siting of transportation facilities (generally streets, highways, footpaths, bike lanes and public transport lines).
This is a before and after shot of Melbourne Docklands. This city was expanded to moderate its maximum capacity of land usage by residents, offices, shops, etc.

7. Suburbanization - a term used to describe the growth of areas on the fringes of major cities

8. Environmental Factors -  the process of facilitating decision making to carry out development with due consideration given to the natural environmental, social, political, economic and governance factors and provides a holistic frame work to achieve sustainable outcomes.

9. Light and Sound - The 'pollution' of light and sound throughout a city or urban area. This can also be the lack of light e.g. a building blocks out the sun making a part of the city in shade for 90% of the day.

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